University of Murcia Close

The University of Murcia is a big-sized University with approximately 36.000 students and 3.500 staff members. For the Faculty of Informatics, the ANTS research group will participate in this project. The ANTS group is a subdivision of the Intelligent Systems Group, from the Department of Communications and Information Engineering with experience in security in network infrastructure and the integration of intelligent techniques in data mining and agents based middlewares for data fusion.

UMU has a deep knowledge in security services, control access and smartcards developments. Indeed UMU has been collaborating in different national and international research projects, and establishing collaborations with important international research institutions. Actually we have participated in the Euro6IX project IST-2001-32161 that has as main objective the development of a European IPv6 Backbone and the evaluation of different protocols and services. Within the services and protocols University of Murcia will be primary concerned in the security field.
