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This section includes papers submitted and/or published by various conferences, as a result of work done by the ENABLE project.

3-Party Approach for Fast Handover in EAP-based Wireless Networks
Authors: R. Marin-Lopez, P. Fernandez, A. Gomez Skarmeta

OTM IS 2007 conference
A Fast and Heterogeneous Handover Architecture based on an extended EAP lower-layer
Authors: R. Marin-Lopez, S. Zapata, A. Gomez Skarmeta

IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit 2007 conference
A New Decentralized Mobility Management Scheme for IPv6-based Networks
Authors: X. Fu, D. Le, J. Lei

ACM WMuNeP 2007 conference
A Practical Solution Towards Implementing Autonomic Handover for 4G Networks
Authors: John Ronan, Sasitharan Balasubramaniam, Niall Clancy, Miguel ponce de Leon, Sven van der Meer

IEEE VTC 2007 conference
A Review of Mobility Support Paradigms for the Internet
Authors: Deguang Le, Xiaoming Fu, and Dieter Hogrefe

IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, Volume 8, No. 1, pages 38-51, First Quarter 2006 magazine
An NSIS-based Approach for Firewall Traversal in Mobile IPv6 Networks
Authors: Niklas Steinleitner, Xiaoming Fu, Dieter Hogrefe, Hannes Tschofenig, Thomas Schreck

WICON 2007 conference
Analysis of Options for Securing NATFW NSLP
Authors: Q. Wu, J. Zhao

IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit 2007 conference
Deploying Home Agent Load Sharing in operational Mobile IPv6 networks
Authors: Wolfgang Fritsche, Ivano Guardini

ACM/IEEE MobiArch'06 workshop
Despegando con movilidad IPv6 (MIPv6) (Spanish)
Authors: Miguel A. Diaz, Pedro Garcia Segura

Mundo Internet National Spanish Internet Congress
El reto de desplegar el servicio de movilidad IP a gran escala (Spanish)
Authors: J. Palet, M. A. Diaz magazine
E2T: End-To-End Tunneling Extension to Mobile IPv6
Authors: Deguang Le, Xiaoming Fu, Xiaoyuan Gu, Dieter Hogrefe

IEEE CCNC 2007 conference
Evaluating the Benefits of Introducing PMIPv6 for Localized Mobility Management
Authors: X. Fu, J. Lei

Technical Report No. IFI-TB-2007-02, Institute for Informatics University of Goettingen
Generalized Architecture for Converged Heterogeneous Networks
Authors: Shoaib Khan, Sahibzada Ali Mahmud, Shahbaz Khan, Wenbing Yeo, Franjo Cecelja

Wireless World Research Forum Meeting 16 conference
GSABA: A Generic Service Authorization Architecture
Authors: Florian Kohlmayer, Rafa Marin Lopez, Hannes Tschofenig, Rainer Falk, Santiago Zapata Hernandez, Pedro Garcia-Segura, Antonio F. Gomez Skarmeta

ACM/IEEE MobiArch'06 workshop
Home Agent and MSP relocation in operational Mobile IPv6 networks
Authors: Wolfgang Fritsche, Gerardo Giaretta

IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit 2007 conference
Home Agent Lastverteilung im operativen Mobile IPv6 Einsatz (German)
Authors: Wolfgang Fritsche, Karl Mayer, Ivano Guardini, Michele La Monaca

DACH Mobility 2006 conference
Home Agent Load Balancing in Mobile IPv6 with Efficient Home Agent Failure Detection and Recovery
Authors: Shoaib Khan, Wenbing Yao, Fritsche Wolfgang, Franjo Cecelja

ICMU2006 conference
IEEE802.21 Assisted Network Layer Mobility Support
Author: Wenbing Yao

ICMU2006 conference
IETF65 Review: IPv6 Host Mobility
Author: Wolfgang Fritsche, Gerardo Giaretta

IETF Journal, Volume 2 Issue 1, Spring 2006 magazine
IETF67 Review: Update on IPv6 Host Mobility
Author: Wolfgang Fritsche, Gerardo Giaretta

IETF Journal, Volume 2 Issue 3, November 2006 magazine
Improved EAP keying framework for a secure mobility access service
Authors: Rafa Marin Lopez, Julien Bournelley, Jean-Michel Combes, Maryline Laurent-Maknavicus and Antonio F. Gomez Skarmeta

IWCMC 2006 conference
IP Based Network Convergence
Authors: Yan Peng, Guardini Ivano, Bin Xia, Meng Liang

Wireless World Research Forum Meeting 16 conference
Mobile IPv6 deployment opportunities in next generation 3GPP networks
Authors: E. Demaria, I. Guardini

IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit 2007 conference
Mobility Service Authorization Architecture
Authors: Rainer Falk, Florian Kohlmayer

EWNS06 workshop
OpenIKEv2: Design and Implementation of an IKEv2 Solution
Authors: A. Perez, P.J. Fernandez, R. Marin, G. Martinez, A. Gomez, K. Taniuchi

IEICE Transactions 2008 magazine
Optimized FMIPv6 Handover using IEEE802.21 MIH Services
Authors: Qazi Bouland Mussabbir, Wenbing Yao

ACM/IEEE MobiArch'06 workshop
Optimized FMIPv6 using IEEE802.21 MIH Services in Vehicular Networks
Authors: Q. B. Mussabbir, W. Yao, Z. Niu, X. Fu

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology magazine
Performance analysis of a network-based protocol for localized IP mobility management
Authors: F. Miconi, Ivano Guardini, and Gerardo Giaretta

IEEE ICC 2007 conference
Protocolo seguro para autenticacion rapida en redes wireless basadas en EAP
Authors: R. Marin-Lopez, S. Zapata, A. Gomez Skarmeta

JITEL 2007 Conference special issue
Scenarios Designed for the Verification of Mobile IPv6 Enabling Technologies
Authors: Miguel Ponce de Leon, Wenbing Yao, Miguel Angel Diaz

FITCE 2007 congresse
Secure Protocol for Fast Authentication in EAP-based Wireless Networks
Authors: R. Marin-Lopez, S. Zapata, A. Gomez Skarmeta

ICCSA 2007 special issue
SHIM6 based Failure Detection and Recovery Mechanism in Multihomed MIPv6 Networks
Authors: Adnan K. Kiani, Shoaib Khan, Wenbing Yao, Deguang Le

ACM/IEEE MobiArch'06 workshop
SHIM6 Based Home Address Failure Detection and Recovery in MIPv6
Author: Adnan Kiani

Wireless World Research Forum Meeting 17 conference
SHIM6 Mobility Support for the Internet
Authors: Deguang Le, Xiaoming Fu, Dieter Hogrefe

IEEE Communications magazine
TCP-M6: Mobility Aware TCP Extensions for Mobile IPv6
Authors: Deguang Le, Xiaoming Fu, Dieter Hogrefe

IEEE ICC 2007 conference
Xen Installation and Configuration
Authors: Leigh Griffin, John Ronan

;login: USENIX magazine
A SHIM6 based Mobility Management Scheme in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
Authors: A. Kiani, W. Yao

IEEE ICC 2008 workshop
ENABLE QoS Services for Large Operational IP Mobility Networks
Authors: Xiaoming Fu, Ivano Guardini

OpenNet workshop
On the use of SHIM6 for Mobility Support in IMS Networks
Authors: J. Ronan, S. Balasubramaniam, A. Kiani, W. Yao

TridentCom 2008 congress
Solutions for IPv4 interworking with Mobile IPv6
Authors: Miguel A. Diaz, Jordi Palet, Cesar Olvera

ACM SIGCOMM 2007 congress